Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Introducing The 'Orange Soul' Series : Ezinne Chinkata

We are uber excited to introduce to you, our 'OrangeSoul' Series...

Okay, so in line with our promise at the very beginning of the blog, to reveal to you the many facets of our brand even as we discover them for ourselves, we will be introducing a number of exciting series here on the blog. Yaay, Get excited!!

AMAZING times at the december edition of Mente De Moda on Sunday the 21st

We'll start by saying a big sorry to you for staying away for so long, we never intended to go cold on you. but we got so tied up in a number of time consuming projects for the brand, but we are back with some real juicy content, posts and pictures, every bit worth the wait, Yes, get excited!!

Monday, 17 November 2014

'And the world kept silent for Solange Knowles'..The Wedding,The Details,The Pictures.

Culled from the internet.
“There is a gift within you, so priceless and rare. No other person exists who has the exact same thing you carry on your inside. Don’t try to water it down so that the world can accept you. Don’t try to cover it up so that you can be like everyone else. Don’t try to share it with someone who cannot understand it. One day someone will find you, who was created for that very gift you carry, and together you will create magic. Stay original, stay Orange, and eventually, the world will make way for you; whoever you are.” SoulOrangeVintage.

Sunday, 9 November 2014


As I scroll through this post, it shocks me how I suddenly managed to go full-on Oprah on you guys, I promise it was never my intention when I began, and I have no idea where all that came from, LOL! Nevertheless, I hope it moves something within you, like it did me. It would be such a pleasure to hear your thoughts on this; well, somewhat lengthy one, please express your views in the comments.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

About Soul Orange Vintage

‘’The woman with the orange soul is deep, unconventional and very at home with the unfamiliar. She is not afraid of a little madness and quirk. She is unsatisfied with the ordinary, unafraid to be the truth even if it is unpopular. You can tell when she walks by, with eyes full of wonder, she will not conform, she breaks free from the crowd, and walks the path she created for herself.” – SoulorangeVintage.


After months and months of stalling, finally our SOV blog is live. We officially began in January 2014, and here we are! We are excited for this platform to express the many facets of our creativity and passion, to share our profound love for vintage, depth and soul with you. We hope to be able to show you the world through our eyes, as we share, post by post; our deepest inspirations and reveal to you our core and brand identity.